Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Principles & Ordinances of the Gospel

I will be starting Grad school soon. I have known since March and the realization of the magnitude Grad school will have on my life has finally set in. As I read the student handbook words such as "difficult" and "demanding" make me wonder and worry. The thought "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear" keeps rolling through my mind.

In efforts to prepare I have desired to look at course syllabi to get a better idea of what will be expected of me and what I need to do to pass. Unfortunately they are not available yet. What? Crazy I know.

I relate this with knowing the principles and ordinances of the gospel. We are so lucky that the Lord has given us the ultimate, detailed syllabus - the Plan of Salvation that lets us know exactly what we need to do in order to pass the test of life! Faith, Repentance, Baptism & the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Life is obviously not meant to be a cakewalk. It may be at times "difficult" and "demanding" but God actually desires for us to pass (unlike some professors) and has given us everything necessary in order for us to return and live with Him. It is completely up to us to choose to do so.

1 comment:

  1. so true sis. love you guys. hang in there! love this blog!


love noteS